Friday, February 26, 2010

My "baby" turns 3

We celebrated a birthday at our house last week -- my little girl has turned 3! I am constantly amazed at how quickly they grow up! It feels like yesterday we were going to the OBGYN to schedule my c-section and she asked us "how's valentine's day for you?" we said "great!" (my swollen ankles were thankful!). What a way to celebrate our love for each other than to welcome our new baby into the world (and it gets my hubby out of buying over-priced flowers every year on Feb. 14th because we just celebrate her birthday on that day and then do something for valentines day later in the week!)!
So our house was filled with purple and pink balloons and streamers were hung in our dining room & the presents got wrapped (the night before!) and unwrapped and overall it was a special day to celebrate our "baby's" birthday. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Babies of the world

I found this trailer over at Make and Takes blog, and once I watched it I'm super eager for it to come out (to be released in April 2010). I can't think of a better first post on my new blog than one that showcases babies around the world...we can see that even though we're culturally different they are still babies!

More info on the movie can be found here.